Mon, 28 Jul 2008 13:46:02 -0400
Dear Colleagues,
This is a CALL FOR PAPERS for the new on-line peer-reviewed journal, IN SHORT: THE JOURNAL OF SMALL SCREEN STUDIES. IN SHORT provides a home for scholarship on “small” moving images from a diversity of critical and theoretical perspectives. This peer-reviewed online journal has been created to encourage and facilitate scholarly responses to "small" moving images of all kinds:
--short films (documentary, fiction, narrative, experimental, etc.)
--music videos
--You-tube/viral videos
--video art
--television episodes
--and readings of a single scene from a longer film, etc.
Given this journal's focus on short forms, we look for essays that are clear and to the point. Suggested essay length, 3000- 5000 words. The next deadline for submissions is AUGUST 15th.
To read the inaugural issue, please find the link to the IN SHORT website below. If you follow this link, you will find the journal, as well as a list of board members, call for papers, and submission guidelines. We hope you enjoy it. If you would like to subscribe, please simply email [log in to unmask] with the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line and we will add you to our mailing list.
Thanks for your time and we hope you enjoy reading IN SHORT.
Very best wishes,
Nicole Richter (University of Miami), William Rothman (University of Miami), and Christina Lane (University of Miami)
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