Sat, 3 Dec 1994 17:09:02 CST
On Sat, 3 Dec 1994 15:58:38 EST Cal said:
>I don't know if Jeremy will thank me for the following but:
It's something I've tried to encourage for years, Cal, but haven't
had much luck so far...
>Some other disciplines (e.g., philosophy) maintain filelists of papers
>presented at conferences, pre-prints of papers submitted for publication,
>papers not-quite-ready-for-primetime for comments, etc.
>The SCREEN-L FILELIST could informally serve in a similar fashion. Maybe
>we could persuade Jeremy to publish a version of the FILELIST along with
>his SCREEN-L GUIDELINES once a month. All that it would take is submission
>of papers by SCREEN-L participants.
I'm not sure what you mean here, Cal. I could send out a list of what's
available each month. Is that what you mean by "publish a version"?
>As I understand the process, papers can be sent as mail (e.g., uploaded
>as ASCII files and sent to Jeremy) or as floppies printed to ASCII
Yes, text (ASCII) files on film/TV studies topics are very welcome
and it is just a matter of getting me that text file via e-mail or
even via floppy in snail mail (though e-mail is much better for me).
What I'm more interested in these days, though, is putting such materials
on SCREENsite, the World Wide Web site I'm constructing. In fact, there's
gotta be some way to combine SCREEN-L FILELIST with SCREENsite so that
a text file resides in one place, but is accessible by the other.
Any suggestions? SCREEN-L FILELIST lives on a VM machine
(an IBM mainframe) while SCREENsite is being built on a Windows NT
computer--which causes certain compatibility problems...
In any event, if you've got any sort of materials along the lines of
what Cal's suggested, let me know about them. As long as we've got the
space on UA1VM and I've got the time to transfer the files over,
we'll continue to solicit material.
Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat
a peach?
I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk
upon the beach.
I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each.
I do not think that they will sing to me.
--T. S. Eliot
| Jeremy Butler - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [log in to unmask] |
| SCREEN-L Coordinator |
| Telecommunication & Film Dept * The University of Alabama * Tuscaloosa |