TELLURIDE IndieFest 2K - *Official* "CALL FOR ENTRIES" & Other Interesting Stuff
Fri, 21 Apr 2000 16:07:00 -0600
Press Release: 4.21.00
(Greetings From Planet Telluride!)
Dear Independent Filmmakers & Screenwriters,
This is the *official* "CALL FOR ENTRIES" for Telluride IndieFest 2K
(December 7 - 10)!
------------- Entry Information:
We encourage everyone to enter *online* at:
for it greatly simplifies the entry process!
Complete information about Telluride IndieFest is available on the
site, as well.
Please Note: We are *limiting* entries for Telluride IndieFest 2K to
1000 (total of all film, video, and screenplay entries), so *enter
FINAL Entry Deadline: August 1 - or, whenever the event is closed
(due to entry *limit*, above).
ALSO, there are *bios* of our previously selected artist/entrants,
*synopses* of their materials, *full-contact info* for each of them,
and *festival comments* for each entry.
Check them out - for they are the *future* of cinema - TODAY!
------------- ScreenTalk Magazine is now a *sponsor* for Telluride IndieFest!
For a *limited* time - when you *enter* Telluride IndieFest 2K, you
will receive a *complimentary* 6-month subscription (3 issues) to
their very-popular PDF-based (electronic) magazine.
Check out their web site at:
ScreenTalk -- The Journal of International Screenwriting.
------------- CenterSeat Officially *Launches* its Web Site -
*highlighting* the broadcast of Telluride IndieFest '99!
We have a 5-year *exclusive* deal with CenterSeat, to broadcast
Telluride IndieFest *live* over the Internet.
You may *now* check out the broadcast of Telluride IndieFest '99 at
their web site (which is a real-cool *entertainment* site):
Reckon that's all for now.
Ya'll keep on creating!
We look forward to receiving and previewing your entries!
All the best,
Michael Carr
Director: Telluride IndieFest
Showing the *best* of independent cinema, short films and
documentaries from around the world, and showcasing *outstanding*
screenwriting achievements!
For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: