Deletion: Episode 8: Dissolves
Sun, 7 Dec 2014 22:31:57 +0000
Apologies for cross-posting
Dear all,
Episode 8 of Deletion: the online, open access forum in science fiction, has just been released. Focused around the theme of dissolves, the editorial can be found here:
The Episode opens with "Dissolution<>", an immersive audiovisual collaboration between sound artist Amnion and video artist Richard Grant - fusing an analogue aesthetic with echoing digital soundscapes. The dance of light and shapes across the screen is gently dislocating; a reimagining of the materiality of science and science fiction.
The video is followed by an interview with filmmaker/video artist Richard Grant<>, where he reveals his influences, motivations, and unique approach to creating highly distinctive (and distinctly futurist) images.
Delving deeper into critical reflections, Elizabeth Braithwaite, Rebecca Hutton, and Alyson Miller<> analyse the imagined and projected connection between bodies and technologies in Young Adult fiction. Extending from their previous contribution to Deletion - "Invitation to the Feed: The Body and the Environment in a Selection of Dystopian YA Science Fictions<>" - this new piece, "In the Eye of the Beholder? The Unadulterated Beautiful and the Threatening Grotesque in a Selection of Young Adult Science Fiction Narratives", interrogates the complicated but crucial relationship between the "unadulterated" beautiful and the "threatening" grotesque in influential texts.
Sean Redmond<> addresses the Whiteness of Elysium, arguing that the film employs a white salvic hero to efface the race distinctions in the film, re-centering whiteness as the unnamed identity that ultimately rescues humanity from its failings.
Next, Til Knowles<> explores the unique postmodern humanism in Kurt Vonnegut's seminal Breakfast of Champions. Reading Vonnegut's self-reflexive voice in the story as the staging of a conversation between characters, author, and reader that breaks down the distinction between these three positions, Knowles argues that the novel's distinct style grounds the bleak alternate world represented in undeniably humanist concerns.
The Episode ends with a return, to the audiovisual realm. Sound artist Darrin Verhagen (AKA Shinjuku Thief)<> rescores and recontextualises the visuals of Richard Grant featured in the opening contribution. Produced especially for this Episode of Deletion, "delete/resound" gives new texture to the images, and invokes entirely different dimensions of science fiction. It is tightly wound and slightly untethered, evoking the interstellar and the cellular, floating in utero and drifting through deep space. Verhagen's passionate and provocative written reflection further explores the dislocations of scale that so often define the experience of science fiction, dissolving critical reflection into creative expression.
Dissolve with us...
Sean Redmond and Trent Griffiths - on behalf of the Deletion team
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