Re: unions in films
Thu, 30 Sep 2004 11:47:56 +0100
Blue Collar (Schrader)
Carry on at Your Convenience (Thomas)
F.I.S.T. (Jewison)
Boxcar Bertha (Scorsese)
Once Upon a Time in America (Leone)
The Sopranos (passim)
La Terra Trema (Visconti - does not feature unions per se but
centres around labour struggles)
GBH (Bleasdale - UK TV)
M (Lang - the beggars' union)
Bread and Roses (Loach)
Riff Raff (Loach)
Heaven's Gate (Cimino - organised labour)
Thief (Mann - ditto)
Strike! (Peter Richardson)
Strike (Eisenstein)
Documentaries -
Big Flame; Flickering Flame (Loach)
Battle for Orgreave (Figgis)
On 28 Sep 04, at 13:28, Sharon Knolle wrote:
> Norma Rae
> Hoffa
> Matewan
> Harlan County, USA
> On the Waterfront
> On Sep 28, 2004, at 2:15 AM, Philippe Meers wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for films & references on unions and labour movements.
> Any suggestions?
> thanks!
> Philippe
> University of Antwerp
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Dr Martin Flanagan
Pathway Leader/Lecturer in Film Studies
Bolton Institute
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