Getting film stills for recent horror films.
Fri, 22 Feb 2002 19:30:28 -0500
Dear folk:
Please accept my apologies for introducing such a dull note into such an
interesting theoretical discussion of video grabs and copyright, but I
have a practical problem. I need to get affordable film stills from not
only The Blair Witch Project and Scream, but obscure films like The Last
Broadcast, and Beringer and Sinofsky's Paradise Lost. These last might be
I've contacted Jerry Ohlinger's store in Manhattan and he was able to
provide me with two uninspired stills from BWP and Blair Witch 2, also
some good stuff from I Walked With a Zombie, but nothing from the other
films mentioned. I know there is another store in Manhattan--maybe
several--that can provide me with stills from recent horror films, but I
don't know what they are. MoMA has closed its Film Stills department, but
even when I called them several months ago they did not have the stills I
needed. Eastman doesn't have them either, here in Rochester. Of
course the surest option would be to contact Artisan or Haxan Films
and inquire, but sometimes their prices are prohibitive. Could some
kind soul who knows Manhattan or Buffalo direct me to sources for film
stills that might feature the films mentioned above? Please write
privately, so as not to clog the list.
I hate getting film stills. I've published twice with Camera Obscura, and
its still the most difficult part of the whole process for me. <G>
Many thanks in advance!
Sarah L. Higley [log in to unmask]
[log in to unmask]
Associate Professor of English office: (585) 275-9261
The University of Rochester fax: (585) 442-5769
Rochester NY, 14627
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