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March 1997, Week 3


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Hong-Sik Yu <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 14 Mar 1997 12:11:29 CDT
text/plain (43 lines)
Eighhteenth Ohio University Film Conference;  November 6-8, 1997.
Call for Papers and Pre-constituted Panels
Commencing in 1997, the Ohio University Film Conference will be
convened on a biannual basis. The Eighteenth Conference will take
place November 6-8, 1997 with the theme "state of the Fantastic:
Horror Films, New Interactive Media, and the Contemporary
Traditionally speaking, the fantastic as an articulation of
non-rationality or superrationality constitutes one of the most
heavily interpreted genres by film scholars, especially because of
its"natural" connection  to psychoanalytic and sociological readings.
This conference, however, will seek to:
 1. Readdress problems related to the psychoanalytic and the
     socio-political reading of films of fantastic.
  2. Reassess how the realm of the fantastic related to the
      imagination of different groups of people.
  3. Explore the different forms of horror films in different cinemas
      such as that in the Latin American, the East Asian and the African
  4. Exproe the possible impact of current technology on both the
      film production and reception process.
  5. Reappropriate different paradigms for the understanding of the
new interactive forms of the fantastic, including those that are used
outside of the setting of traditional  cinema such as video games and
Please send one-page paper proposals or pre-contituted panel
proposlals by April 24, 1997 to:
Dr. Jenny Kwok Wah Lau, Conference Director
School of Film, Ohio University
378 Lindley Hall
Athens, OH 45701
Fax: (614) 593-1328
School of Film Dept -Phone (614)593-1323/fax(614)593-1328
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