Re: Male Sexuality
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 16:16:03 -0600
Gaylyn Studlar's _This Mad Masquerade_ is an excellent start. The kind of narcissism/voyeurism associated with stars like Valentino complicates (and possibly inverts) the gendered looking relations charted out by psychoanalytic film criticism post-Mulvey. This, among other things, is a starting point for queer theory.
Michael Kackman
Dept. of Communication/American Studies Program
DePaul University
<<< Krzysztof Jozajtis <[log in to unmask]> 11/16 3:57p >>>
I'm not sure that male sexuality was never visible pre-Brando. What about (e.g.) Valentino,
Gable, Wayne (even), and the wonderful Victor Mature? .... Has there been much work on
male sexuality in the movies pre WWII?
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