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January 2015, Week 2


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Susan Morrison <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mon, 12 Jan 2015 08:41:07 -0700
text/plain (35 lines)
CFP  CineAction #97       On Film: 1985-2015

The theme of this issue derives from the fact that in 2015 CineAction will
have been publishing articles on film for thirty years. We would like to
use this issue to look back on those three decades, with an emphasis on
the changes that have taken place during that time. We welcome papers on
all aspects of that change. Some possibilities might be the invention of
and innovations in digital technologies and their impact on film
production and post-production; the proliferation of new platforms for
film distribution and reception, from the VCR and PC to Youtube, the
iPhone and beyond; the shift from analog to digital in film teaching and
education programs, and from print to digital media for film writing and
criticism. Topics might include the Industry adaptations and
transformations that have occurred, as well as any individuals and/or
films that should be singled out as particularly noteworthy and/or

Papers should be submitted to Susan Morrison, the editor for this issue.
The deadline for submission is June 5, 2015 for a publication date of
September 2015. It would be appreciated if a brief proposal be submitted
as early as possible as an indication of intention to submit. Contributor
guidelines are available on our website.
Please address all queries and submissions to the issue’s editor:

Susan Morrison
314 Spadina Road
Toronto ON
Canada M5R 2V6
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