Fw: [surrealmovies] One less to ask for more in cinema.
Sun, 16 Feb 2003 16:39:30 -0500
Obituary for Kinji Fukasaku.
Didn't he get arrested for drug trafficking around 1995?
Scott Andrew Hutchins
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Examine The Life of Timon of Athens at Cracks in the Fourth Wall
Theatre & Filmworks
"But since in fact we see that avarice, anger, envy, pride, sloth, lust and
stupidity commonly profit far beyond humility, chastity, fortitude, justice
and thought, and have to choose, to be human at all...why then perhaps we
*must* stand fast a little--even at the risk of being heroes." --Sir Thomas
More, _A Man for All Seasons_, by Robert Bolt
----- Original Message -----
From: "Veiko Rebane" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:15 PM
Subject: [surrealmovies] One less to ask for more in cinema.
> In Memorian Kenji Fukasaku (after Battle Royale everything is history...)
> http://www.midnighteye.com/features/im_kinji_fukasaku.shtml
> -- everyday.com --
> Mitu inimest kandideerib Riigikogusse? Mida pildistab
> keskkonnaministeerium satelliitidelt? Kes oli ettevõtluse sõber 2002?
> Vasta küsimustele Eesti elust ja võid võita auhindu!
> http://www.palts.ee/?id=1514
> "Surrealism doesn't try to define or explain, it leaves a mystery which,
like the Heineken adverts, reaches parts of the brain others cannot
reach." - Terry Gilliam
> "Everybody's a mad scientist, and life is their lab. We're all trying to
experiment to find a way to live, to solve problems, to fend off madness and
chaos." - David Cronenberg
> "I don't think that people accept the fact that life doesn't make sense. I
think it makes people terribly uncomfortable." - David Lynch
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