Beryl Fox
Sun, 6 Nov 1994 08:32:03 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I am interested in information on Beryl Fox, born in l931, Winnipeg,
Manitoba. I am aware of information in The Film Companion by Peter
Morris. She is one of the most innovative documentary filmmakers.
Contribued to the development of the Canadian Broadcasting Company,
documentary in the l960s such as the controversial one called "This Hour
Has Seven Days", directed The Single Woman and The Double Standard,
Summer in Mississippi, Man into Superman (l974), The Visible Woman
(l975). Feature films - producer of Surfacing (l979).
I am looking for more information on her one year working experience in
New York in the l960s in which she directed A View from the Twenty-First
Century (USA l968) and Memorial to Martin Luther King (USA l969).
Thank you in advance for your help.
Queens University