Re: Ally McBeal articles
Sun, 20 Jun 2004 17:59:39 -0400
Also these:
Tracey Owens Patton, "Ally McBeal and Her Homies: The Reification of
White Stereotypes of the Other," Journal of Black Studies 32.2 (November
2001) 229-60
Rachel Moseley and Jacinda Read, "Having It Ally:" Popular Television
(Post-)Feminism,"Feminist Media Studies 2.2 (2002) 231-49
Rachel Dubrofsky, "Ally McBeal as Postfeminist Icon: The Aestheticizing
and Fetishizing of the Independent Working Woman," Communication Review
5(2002) 265-284
Susan E. McKenna, "The Queer Insistence of Ally McBeal: Lesbian Chic,
Postfeminism, and Lesbian Reception," Communication Review 5 (2002)
Greg Smith
Greg M. Smith
Graduate Director
Moving Image Studies Program
Film/Video/Digital Imaging Program
Department of Communication
Georgia State University
Office: 1050 One Park Place
(404) 463-9428
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Email: [log in to unmask]
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>>> [log in to unmask] 06/14/04 9:48 PM >>>
Check out R. Munford's "(Un) Fashionable Feminisms: The Media and Ally
McBeal," in the anthology Third Wave Feminism: A Critical Exploration
(UK: Palgrave MacMillan 2004), forthcoming in July.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lauren [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Sun 6/13/2004 7:56 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Ally McBeal articles
Does anybody know where I can find scholarly articles on Ally
Thank you,
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