Re: video search
Wed, 9 Jan 2002 16:13:10 +0800
As far as I know,the only "legal" copies of "La Chinoise" by Jean-Luc Godard
that is still available,
is in Japanese market. They have both VHS and DVD version,but no English
subtitle on it.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jessica Rosner <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 7:34 AM
Subject: Re: video search
> -
> >> I am looking for professional videos of the following movies:
> >
> > By "professional" do you mean legit copies? All four titles are pretty
> > found from grey-market dealers.
> >
> Actually that would be BLACK market dealers. If you are going to buy
> bootlegs at least call them what they are. I know it irresistible
> for film scholars to buy an illegal tape but just don't blame us
> distributors if we can't afford to put out a "good" copy of a film because
> no one will pay for it
> Jessica Rosner
> Kino International
> ----
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