Re: Title search
Fri, 9 Jun 1995 11:18:55 -0700
On Thu, 8 Jun 1995, Bjorn Aas wrote:
(text cut)
> The film received mixed revievs, as you can see on the Movie
> Database in Cardiff, England.
> Bjorn Aas, TV-lecturer, Danvik Folkehogskole, N-3046 Drammen, Norway
> (Danvik School of Media and Communication)
> Tel: ..47 3283 1290 Fax: ..47 3289 1245 E-mail [log in to unmask]
Bjorn, can you tell me how to find the Movie Database in Cardiff, England.
Karen Nason Kershaw
PS. I think you're right about the movie being SHIRLEY VALENTINE. It was
a great movie and story. After my mom saw the film she wanted to go to
Greece and be Shirley. In fact, years later when we went to Greece, she
kept saying, "Just call me Shirley!" She didn't meet a handsome Greek;
she met a handsome Australian sailboat captain instead. He provided just
the right amount of fantasy and romance that she needed.
(I think I just wrote more than I had intended.) :-)
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