Las Hurdes variations
Sat, 25 Mar 2000 01:10:43 -0500
Does anybody know how many versions there are of this Bunuel film?
"Experimental Ethnography" says that the one on videotape in the US (from a
public domain company) has "toned down" narration but judging from the
quotes she uses--presumably from a MOMA print that's listed in the
filmography--the video actually has a better version. She also mentions
maps that aren't on that video release. The Bunuel books are all only
partly helpful; I can't even determine whether it was originally released
in French or Spanish. (The first screening was in Spain with Bunuel
providing live narration but a release print wasn't prepared until four
years later.) And do any of the prints have the cockfight that French
censors supposedly cut out? While it sounds plausible the mention of this
in the books sounds more like urban legend territory. One author mentions
four reels of outtakes and the archive where they're stored but none of the
writers seems to have looked at them or even asked to find out what they
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