Research Proposals
Fri, 23 Feb 1996 15:40:28 +0100
Dear Screen-L colleagues,
I sent the following message to MediaWeb too, in case you read this in two
I am in the process of putting together a research proposal on the use of
the Internet, Digital media, and the WWW. Basically, information
technology! I wonder if any of our members have written any such proposals
and received funding. I would love to take a look at any such proposals and
see what might be interesting or applicable within the Swedish context; so
if anybody is willing, please tell me how and where to get your proposal,
i.e. Gopher, FTP, WWW or just send it by e-mail as an attachment (TEXT or
MS WORD) or in an e-mail message.
Also, anybody doing research in these areas would be very welcome to
contact Robert Burnett ([log in to unmask]) head of the media studies
program or myself Bert Deivert ([log in to unmask]) head of the film
studies program. We would like to be in contact with other programs and see
how we might be able to cooperate. We are interested in tudent paper
publishing on the web, videoconferencing, and collaborative courses and
BERT DEIVERT Film Studies University of Karlstad
E-Mail: [log in to unmask] S-651 88 Karlstad
Voice: 46-54-83 81 06 SWEDEN
Fax: 46-54-83 84 96
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