We're about to change our email server for the All Things Acoustic playlist.
Future playlists will come from [log in to unmask] and not
[log in to unmask]
Hopefully, this will be transparent to subscribers. It might be helpful,
however, to add [log in to unmask] to your contact list. Some email
systems are suspicious of email from addresses not in your contact list and
they might classify the Playlist as spam and delete it.
Please let me know if you have any problems with the new playlist
distribution system.
And thanks for listening!
Jeremy Butler, host
You have received this message because you are subscribed to ATA-PLAYLIST, the
weekly playlist e-newsletter from the All Things Acoustic radio program at
Alabama Public Radio.
If you wish to un-subscribe from ATA-PLAYLIST, please fill in this form:
and click "Leave ATA-PLAYLIST".