> Eugene Walz wrote: I was stunned into speechlessness not only by their
(Taylor and > Burton's) seemingly miraculous presence but also by (a) how
short they both were, > and (b) how large their heads seemed to be in
proportion to their bodies.

I had the same sensation of amazement when I passed Kirk Douglas in the
lobby of a London hotel - a tiny figure with a large head. Seemed more lie
a sculpture than a living being. I've been told that James Dean had the
same big head/small torso combination, and ditto Edward G Robinson. I
wonder whether they started out that way, or did their heads expand with

BTW Liz Taylor's eyes are a most extraordinary shade of violet, but only in
real life - no color process seems able to catch it. And Vivian Leigh had a
tiny head, like a Limoges figurine.

Richard Davies

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