My page about Oz films is up, but is only legible up through 1973, ending
with the truncation on _Zardoz_.
It will be updated fairly regularly.
A major problem is the use of foreign characters.  I figured out how to
make <&eacute;>, but otherwise I am totally cluless as to how to create
them on the unix system I am using (the alt-{ for circumflexed u, etc, do
not work, not to mention the Turkish and Hebrew characters that were in
the document that cannot be read.  I skipped over the Spanish _Fantasia...
3_ and the Turkish _Aysecik ve Sihirli Cuceler Ruyalar Ulkesinde_ because
of this problem, but otherwise, it's pretty decent up to the indicated
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama.