In a message dated 96-03-20 03:31:42 EST, Ms. Negra writes:
>I am looking for any Hollywood films in the past ten years or so where an
>American woman goes to Europe and is "transformed" in some way by her
I saw a movie recently with Patricia Arquette called "Beyond Rangoon" which
might fit the description.  I saw it in the past 5 or 6 months and she plays
the lead.  She goes to India (not Europe), I believe, and she winds up
staying there during a revolution.  I think it is supposed to be a modern day
setting.  I don't know if it's on video yet. This movie is kind of a
"downer", unlike the upbeat films you have seen, but it has a happy ending.
I hope this suggestion has sparked some interest.  If you don't appreciate
the acting by Ms. Arquette, there are other films she has been in that have
proved her capabilities better.
Liz Ricci
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