October 12, 1995
     There are a few flashback/memories of prison in THE WILD BUNCH.
     Virtually all of ALIEN 3 takes place in a prison colony.
     KISS THE BLOOD OFF MY HANDS has several scenes of Burt Lancaster in
prison.  Lancaster seems to have spent a fair amount of time around prisons.
He went to jail for Ava Gardner in THE KILLERS.  Did he go to jail in CRISS
CROSS?  And I recall some scenes in prison in JUDGEMENT AT NUREMBERG.
     In THE MARRIAGE OF MARIA BRAUN, Hermann Braun's time in prison is vital
to the story.
     Are there any scenes of the prison planet which produce the empire's best
soldiers in DUNE?
     Has anyone mentioned I WANT TO LIVE or MANHATTAN MELODRAMA?
     Many westerns show a bit of the jail, and often a prisoner or two in that
jail.  HIGH NOON has a tiny scene where Will Kane lets the drunk out of jail,
probably so he won't be locked up after Kane is killed.  A fair number of
westerns are built around keeping a prisoner in jail, and safe from lynching.
     Cop films after show at least a booking.  SERPICO has a tiny scene of a
man Serpico has arrested being forced back into a cage.       Is it helpful to
distinguish between prison, where one spends a fair amount of time, and jail,
which may involve only a few hours of detention?
     Kevin Brownlaw mentions a silent film set in a woman's prison.
INTOLERANCE shows us a little of the prison where the Boy waits to be
     Straying over to TV: Jim Rockford was in prison before he became a PI,
although I don't remember any scenes from his prison experience.
Kendall D'Andrade
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