----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I think that BOAN suffers from what happens quite often in pop culture, if
"everyone" says something is great for long enough, then it must be...rite?
I grew up always thinking that, then finally got to see the film in college.
A rude awakening indeed. It's place in the history of FILM is important, in
as much as it's place as one of the pioneers of, well, just about everything,
including length, etc...
As a historical piece of work however, it is a VERY troubling piece of work.
I cannot express my dismay at learning that the man I had always thought
about as being a "great" pioneer of filmmaking, was basically, a scumbag.
BOAN was, among other things, one of the first films that was censored, and
whilst I am about as strong a supporter of the 1st Ammendment as you can
find, I'd march against this flick.....
Instead of being shown as a ground breaking film, it should be shown side by
side with something like "Shoah", under the heading "the effects of hate".
One film promotes is, the other shows the vile by-broduct of it.
BOAN is *SO* troubling that I'd even venture to say, that the way that it
tackles the subject matter completely overshadows its historical signifigance
in the history of filmmaking. A work that not only glorifies hate, but
actually PROMOTES it deserves no less a fate.
Mike Sime