----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear Murray and all:
Last night I subbed to THEATRE@PUCC by the usual method:
mail to LISTSERV@PUCC message SUBSCRIBE THEATRE Calvin Pryluck
today I've received a half dozen or so messages on matters theatrical
but I know from several years reading the list that there are many,
many actors all-to-willing to discuss acting, acting teaching, and
just smoozing about things.  One of their longest running threads
dealt with the strange and funny things that have happened to people
during theatrical performances.
I'm not personally trying to discourage posts about acting or other
parts of the craft from SCREEN-L.  It might be a useful reminder that
films (like plays) are "produced" that is constructed from bits and pieces.
In other words, there is one immutable truth about films and plays:
they are not brought by the stork.
Cal Pryluck, Radio-Television-Film, Temple University, Philadelphia
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