1995 grants for research in broadcasting:
    The competition is open to all academic personnal. Graduate
    students and senior undergraduates are invited to submit
    proposals. Individual awards will be made in amounts not to exceed
    $5,000. these are to be used only to defray direct out-of-pocket
    expenses incurred in the execution of the proposed
    research.Proposals must be received no later than Feb.1, 1995.
    Winners of the grants will be notified by  4/13/95.
    Areas for investigation include:
       Meannings of radios for its potential audiences
       cost effectiveness of live news coverage
    For more and applications, contact:
    Dr.  Mark R.  Fratrik, Vice President Research & Planning National
    Association of Broadcasters,1771 N St., N.W.  Washington, DC
    20036-2891, 202/429-5389