I'm researching the life and work of William Castle, the notable horror film
director of the 30's, 40's, and 50's, known for his unusual and rather
grandiose gimmicks used to promote his "B" pictures. I've read his
autobiography as well as two articles on Castle, one by John Waters and one
by Joel Cohen. I'm looking for detailed information on the following:
a. his films (early work with Cohn as well as later films as an
b. his family, how I might contact his wife or his daughters?
c. Only a few of his films seem to be available on video (I can get Strait
Jacket, The House on Haunted Hill, and Thirteen Ghosts) Where can I obtain
copies of his other work, especially The Tingler, Homicidal, Mr. Sardonicus,
d. Where can I contact the following people, John Waters, Robert Bloch, Joe
I'd also love to hear from anyone who may have experienced any of Castle's
films/gimmicks in the environment in which they were meant to be seen.
Emergo, Illusion-O, The Punishment Poll, or The Fright Break)
Finally, if anyone actually has any of the gimmick paraphenalia, I would
welcome the opportunity to look at it or better yet, photograph it.
Any information would be helpful. Thanks in advance for your help.
Michael Kaplan
University of Cincinnati
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