From: Tony Williams
 On Quentin Tarantino. Don't you think this character is highly overrated
on the basis of journalistic and self-generating hype put out at present?
His achievements are highly limited and dubious, a postmodernist auteur
being a referent without any definable substance. Though we have yet to
await his supposed masterpiece with Bruce Willis, what actually has he done
except cannabalize past moves. RESERVOIR DOGS is a blatant rip-off of Ringo
Lam's exceptional Hong Kong movie, CITY ON FIRE, especially the last 20 mins.
Would RD have ever succeeded without the acting ensemble, Taranino allowed
to improvise and make viewers ignore the highly shoddy directing?He is being m
ade into a cult hero without any real achievements - the Peter Bogdanovich of
the 1990s - a phony superstar without any major work to support this nauseat-
ing hype in SIGHT AND SOUND and elsewhere.