>Hi, I'm looking to buy a bunch of Audrey Hepburn movies for a friend of
>mine, so I was wondering if there were any Audrey fanatics that could
>provide me with a list of her movies.
>                                                Thank you,
>                                                Michelle Lopez
                             *   *    *
Here is a pretty complete list
Always 1989
Bloodline 1979
Breakfast at Tiffany's 1961 *
Charade 1963
The Children's Hour 1961
Funny Face 1957 *
Green Manisons 1959
How to Steal A Million 1966
The Lavender Hill Mob 1952
Love In the Afternoon 1957
My Fair Lady 1964
The Nun's Story 1959
Paris When It Sizzles 1964
Robin & Marian 1976
Roman Holiday 1953 *
Sabrina 1954 *
Secret People 1952
They All Laughed 1981
Two For the Road 1967
The Unforgiven 1960
Wait Until Dark 1967 *
War & Peace 1956
Young Wive's Tale 1952
* personal favorites
Good Luck
Stephen O'Riordan
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