>On Mon, 19 Sep 1994 16:56:39 GMT Bert Deivert said:
>About quoting from Internet:
>>I have given
>>them guidelines about what I want: notify and be approved by the person you
>>quote - via e-mail, if possible. Give date, usenet or discussion group,
>>subject, and INTERNET as source.
>>I consider it a valid source. I do demand that students make
>>hard copies of the material for their opponents to verify when they present
>>the paper.
>I suspect that Bert is being too cautious unless Swedish copyright law
>differs seriously from United States copyright statutes which include
>specific exemption from permission requirement for material quoted
>under "fair use" provisions.  As generally understood it is fair use
>to reproduce brief passages from copyrighted material necessary to make
>an argument.
Cal and others,
I just thought the query to the person who originally "published" something
on Internet was a common courtesy since it can be harrowing to find
yourself quoted in an article that becomes published on paper when one
thinks one is taking part in a sort-of-private-discussion. Most of us are
not naive enough to think all these groups are private, but not everyone is
aware of it. This can save somebody some embarassment.
*  Bert Deivert   Film Studies      University of Karlstad         *
*  E-Mail: [log in to unmask]      Box 9501    S-650 09 Karlstad  *
*                                   SWEDEN                         *