Donald Larsson wrote:
> I don't know if this is relevant to the needs of those communicating about
> AN AMERICAN FAMILY, but you might want to look at Albert Brooks' REAL LIFE
> (1979), a hilarious parody of the series.
Quite by accident I ran across that on AMC in the middle of the night a
few months back and then got it on tape during it's next scheduled
airing.  Brooks' wit has always been a favorite of mine and this send-up
of "An American Family," I found quite amusing.  I understand in some
quarters it wasn't well received.
Jim Grubbs
"who feels like he's 'defending his life' on a daily basis"
Department of Speech Communication
Indiana University - Bloomington
* Please tell me what you know about "An American Family" circa 1973   *
* Jim Grubbs  IU Speech Communication  [log in to unmask]  *