Hello to all extra-diegetic souls on the inter-net.
    This business of diegetic vs. extra-diegetic is nicely and humoursly
handled in an early sound film all of us doubtless know--Clari's _A Nous la
Liberte_.  If we recall the scene of the Chaplinesque wanderer newly
released from prison (Louis, perhaps, is his name)--he sees a young woman
framed in a window (apparently) singing.  A shot shortly thereafter reveals
a phonograph as the "source" of her singing.  Louis' confusion/mistake is
really a joke on Clair's part at the expense of the audience, which cannot
distinguish sound "sources" except by VISUAL cues.
     I'll leave the rest of the implications up to the rest of you.
    By the way--Hi Krin!
David Desser, Cinema Studies
2109 FLB