>RE: THE PIANO.  Of the many citations in this film, Nyman's score
>seems to draw ironically on new age gew, such as that of George
>Winston--endless crescendos, minor notes, spiraling fugues, tension
>tension tension.  I kept expecting Kenny Rogers to appear with his
>hair blowing during the beach piano-playing scenes.  Yet the music
>works too with Hunter's pregnant expressions.  Any ideas?
I, too, noticed that the score seemed quite new age influenced.
Although I read that it was supposedly based on Scottish music from
that era, a substantial number of George Winston compositional
fingerprints were definitely present.  Every time Holly Hunter sat
down to play, it left me with a feeling that something was amiss
(sort of like seeing dinosaurs and people together in the same
movie!).  Not only that, but I kept waiting for Kenny G. to wash
ashore in a VH1 life raft, with the ubiquitous Michael Bolton close
behind, so I was on the verge of a major panic attack.
>Perhaps I should rephrase in a less controversial manner.
Lauren, never embrace civilty at the expense of controversy!
[   {{{{{    |   Chris White                                ]
[  ( @ @ )   |   Research Information Systems               ]
[   | U |    |   (619) 944-0373                             ]
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[   ~~~~~    |   Dammit, Jim.  I'm a writer, not a doctor!  ]