More power to all of you who can tolerate the Simpsons - but that's not
my primary interest in responding.  And I apologize for getting off the
subject of CK, but the whole discussion of references in movies got me
thinking about my newest addition to "wonderful movie" list - Demolition Man.
Now, some can't stand it, and that's fine, but it is so full of utopian/
distopian literature, it's like my senior thesis coming back to haunt me!
(Which is cool.)  It's got Time Machine - the underground world vs. the
perfect little oblivious above ground world; it's got Brave New World -
female cop Huxley, non-contact sex (feelies if I remember correctly from BNW),
John Savage = Sly Stalone; it's got 1984 - Big Brother always watching...
And many more allusions that slip the mind right now - can anyone confirm
this, or am I just deluding myself???  My favorite part had to be the
Verbal Morality Code - this world could use some of that!!!
The history of the world proves that truth has no bearing on anything.
                                                 -The Iceman Cometh
Do or do not.  There is no try.