On Tue, 9 Nov 1993 21:04:56 -0800, "Richard Prelinger" <[log in to unmask]>
> I'm posting this query for Kathy High in the Visual Arts
> Department at UC San Diego.
> Can anyone help me with titles of science-fiction films featuring
> women as main protagonists, like ALIENS and ATTACK OF THE 50-FOOT
> Kathy High c/o Rick Prelinger
> [log in to unmask]
Well, it depends on what you mean by main protagonists, but
TERMINATOR (1+2) might fit your criterion, as might
BLADERUNNER where 3 of the replicants are women.
STAR WARS actually has a decent role for Princess Leia,
(For instance when Luke bursts into her prison cell, dressed in a
stolen uniform, saying "I'm here to rescue you princess" she
replies "Aren't you a bit short for a storm trooper?" and essentially
rescues herself.)