I'm doing a script for a short scifi film about a future revolutionary
guerrilla warfare in Northern Europe. My problem is how to show
to the audience in a simple way that the things are happening in the future
(yes, I know that a guerrilla war itself is a sign, but..). The main
character sits in covered ditch in the woods, where he's planning the
attacks to an area nearby. I would like to add to the setting something
simple (but not too obvious like clothes) that gives the audience a
quick clue that he's living in the future. I was thinking that he might
have a small TV-set to pick up news and information, where the situation
is being explained.
Does anybody have some experience on this matter? Have you seen a film where
this "futurizing" was done in an elegant way?
Jukka Aronen
Dept. of Pol. Science
Helsinki University