In response to Brent's question about film vs. mass comm., I am a video
chauvanist, but I advise my own students who have an abiding interest in
feature films to specialize in that area in graduate school.  Several of
my former students now work in the film industry, so there are a FEW jobs
out there.  I recommend 5 graduate programs I have seen mentioned in film
trade publications:
        UCLA, USC, Columbia, NYU, and the American Film Institute's Master's
I am sure there are many other fine programs, and I hope others will help
Brent find the appropriate school for HIM.
 David Kintsfather              | PHONE:       (215) 683-4497
 Dept. of Telecommunications    | FAX:         (215) 683-4659
 Kutztown University            | INTERNET:    [log in to unmask]
 PO Box 730                     |   "We need not think alike to love alike."
 Kutztown, PA  19530-0730       |                Francis David