> I'm set to teach a film literacy class next semester and I'm looking
> for text recommendations.  Everything I own is out of print already.
> I need a text that talks specifically about visual and audio content
> editing and montage.
> Using...examples of commercially accessable films.
> Please e-mail me any ideas you might have.
> Thanks..
> Julie Simon
> Univ. of Baltimore
> [log in to unmask]
Hi Julie,
I would recommend to classic, but very worthwile texts:
_FILM ART: an introduction_ by David Bordwell and Kristen Thompson
           3rd edition.McGraw Hill.  1990,  ISBN 0-07-006439-3
This book covers the history of cinema, film  aesthetics, Film production
techniques,Sample analysis ofusing different critical techniques, o.e.
Neo-Formalist, Cultural, etc..
_FILM THEORY AND CRITICISM:  Introductory Readings, Fourth Edition_.  Edited
by Gerald Mast and Marshall Cohen.  Oxford University Press,1992.
Has excerpts from all the major theoriests from Munsteberg to Trinh.  Sections
include:Film and Reality;  Film Image and Film Language;  The Film Medium,
FILM, Theater and Literature;  Film Genres;   The Film Artist;  FILM:
PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIETY AND IDEOLOGY.  Best anthology of film texts outthere.
_The Major Film Theories: An introduction_ J. Dudley Andrew.Oxford Univeristy
Press. 1976
This book had been the guiding principle of the University of Toronto Cinema
Studies Programme since Joe Medjuck (aka. Ghostbusters II executive producer)
taught the course.  The Ghost of Joe lives on and for good reason:  This  book
explains all the film theory from Munsterburg to Metz (the name of the third
year film theory course). This means the book goes from 1916 (Munsteberg's
"THe Photoplay:  A Psychological Study" to 1968 (Metz's _FILM LANGUAGE_).  Not
a bad review book either, though I much prefer reading the original translated
texts ( Je parle francaise tres petite peu), they are less confusing sometimes
in long form rather than in extracted form.
_New Vocabularies In Film Semitotics_.  Robert Stam, Robert Burgoyne, and
Sandy Flitterman-Lewis.  Routledge. 1992.
Best dictionary of film semiotics that I ever encountered.  May not prove to
be suitable for first-year students, only because it expects that you are
familiar with the basic tennets of structualism, Post-structualism, etc. and
is used as either a refresher or introduction for medium knowledged Cinema
Students or Cultural Studies students.
Hope this proves helpful to you
Joey Schwartz,
Cinema Studies, University of Toronto
=  Joey Schwartz                (416) 966-0593          =
=  11 Walmer Rd., Apt. 102      [log in to unmask]         =
=  Toronto,Ontario              [log in to unmask]    =
=  Canada, M5R 2W9                                      =