Fellow Screen-L Subscribers:  I'm locating additional information
          on internet's relation with  the  Library  of Congress, and  will
          share  it  with  you  as  soon  as  available. Meanwhile,  it  is
          important to emphasize that  only  a  portion  of  the  film  and
          television holdings are  online (which  is  also  true  of  other
          collections as well). Films began to  go online in 1986, so,  for
          instance, most holdings from  the nitrate  era received prior  to
          that  date  are  listed  in different files. Generally, the  best
          command is simply "find t  " for a title, replacing the  t with p
          for  a person or  c  for  a corporation (ie,  find  t  within our
          gates). For a keyword search, simply use find without any t,p, or
          c  qualifier.  To  limit  the  search  to  visual materials, type
          ";f=av" after  the  search word, although this  still  brings  up
          Prints and Photographs holdings and old av cataloging. The latter
          often displays the phrase "Not in  LC Collection," but  the  item
          may  still  be  held  and  listed elsewhere. Different  types  of
          records will  be encountered, from brief inventory level records,
          containing unverified information, to cataloging  by professional
          staff. Note the type of material on  a title; only ref prints and
          viewing copies  may  be  studied, although preprint material will
          also  be listed. As  well,  be cautious of dates; search displays
          may  not  reflect  the  initial  distribution  date.  Hence,  for
          definitive  answers,  as  well  as   to   make  arrangements  for
          screenings, it is still best to direct questions to the Reference
          Section,  Motion  Picture-Broadcasting-Recorded  Sound  Division,
          James Madison Bldg., Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20540.
           Brian Taves, Motion Picture Division
           This   is   not   an  official  statement  of   Library  policy.