Content-Type: Text
Content-Length: 595
I believe that Roger and Me is the most successful (box office meaning
success) documentary film ever.
It's appeal has a lot to do with it's humor:  humor first, outrage second.  It
shouldn't be surprising in these days of documentary-entertainment offerings
on the tube--America's Funniest Home Videos, Barbara Walters specials--that
the tv industry would jump at the chance to use Michael Moore as another
entertainment vehicle. (A&E has already used Moore's formula with the Michael
Palin travel series)
If Bill Moyers would only do funny pieces, maybe he could get back on CBS.
Content-Type: Binary
Content-Name: c:\roger
Content-Length: 690
  :Roger Bullis           Internet:  [log in to unmask]:
  :                                                           :
  :Division of Communication                                  :
  :University of Wisconsin      "Never stand under a tall dog":
  :Stevens Point, WI  54481                                   :
  :tel.715-346-2879                                           :