Not 30 minutes ago I left a movie in which personal ads played
a small part:  Sweet Emma, Dear Bobe.  It's a Hungarian film
and was playing in St. Louis only because of the film festival
here.  Not a fantastic film.  And quite a downer.  Not worth
going out of your way if your main interest is the personal ads...
How are you, Donna?  How did Mildred Pierce go?
| Rick Francis        | "...The present era grabs everything that was ever
| C47805NF@WUVMD      | written in order to transform it into films, TV
| Dep't of Comp Lit,  | programs, or cartoons.  What is essential in a novel
| Box 1107            | is precisely what can only be expressed in a novel,
| Washington Univ.    | and so every adaptation contains nothing but the
| St. Louis, MO       | nonessestial.  If a person is still crazy enough to
|         63130       | write novels nowadays and wants to protect them, he
______________________| has to write them in such a way that they cannot be
                        adapted, in other words, in such a way that they can-
                        not be retold.  "
                                      (From "Immortality" by Milan Kundera)