Saw Falling Down last night and couldn't believe what I saw.  Call me a leftie
wimp or something, but the way that issues of class, gender, race and sexual
orientation were touched upon was either heavy handed, downright regressive, or
blatantly disturbing.  Some notes
              1 Interesting how the white cop (as opposed to the hispanic ex-
                partner, or team of black woman and hispanic man) is the one
                who posseses the knowledge to follow the story. . .
              2 Too many of the subjective images of the Michael Douglas
                character's burgeoning insanity and hatred are people of color
                for there to be much doubt of r****m.
              3 It is interesting that the man  touted in the previews to be
                average American guy who's fed up is actually on a murderous,
                xenophobic, terroristic journey across town to reunite with a
                wife who has filed a restraining order against him.
              4 Homophobia is a crime in the film which goes unpunished, yet
                when Michael Douglas is threatened by the homosexuality of
                prison he is driven to murder. . .
              5 Women are told to shut up (literally and metaphorically) in
                more scenes than I could (care to ) remember.