I have a correction (I think . . .) to a couple of comments:
>Does anyone out their know where I can get my hands on the cut of Brazil
>that was on T.V. a few years ago.  I have heard it has edited by the
>producers at Universal and is completely different from Gilliam's cut.
>I am very intereted in seeing it.  Did anyone out their tape it when it was
>Subject: RE: Brazil
>The 131-minute version of _Brazil_ is available for $19.95 from
>Facets Multimedia, (800) 331-6197.  (Source: Furtaw, Julia C., ed.
>_The Video Source Book 1993_. 14th ed.  Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1993.)
>According to Leonard Maltin, "Gilliam cut film from 142m.
>for American release."
>Corinne Smith
>Penn State Audio-Visual Services
>[log in to unmask]
The European release was slightly longer that _Gilliam's_ cut for American
theatrical release, and that is what has been issued on tape.  The original
query was about the _producer's_ cut for tv, which substantially changed
the plot, used film not in either of Gilliam's cuts (I think--I'm not
sure about this any more), and which has only been shown a bit on tv;
lately it has disappeared.  The whole story is in _The Battle of Brazil_
as I noted in an earlier message.  [log in to unmask]