Studies in French Cinema News

1. SFC10:3

2. Women's Filmmaking in France conference


1. SFC10:3

The third number of Studies in French Cinema volume 10, specially edited by Geneviève Sellier, has been published. It contains the following articles:
Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer la parution du troisième numéro du volume 10 de Studies in French Cinema, dirigé par Geneviève Sellier. Il contient les articles suivants:
Delphine Chedaleux, Un jeune premier sous l'Occupation: Jean Marais ou l'éloge d'une masculinité passive’
Geneviève Sellier, L'Expertise de la spectatrice ordinaire dans le courrier des lecteurs des magazines populaires: le cas de L’Ecran français
Gwenaëlle Le Gras, Annie Girardot de la Comédie-Française au film policier des années 50: le brouillage des stéréotypes genrés
Michel Chion, No man’s France
Brigitte Rollet, Quand les femmes filment l’Histoire : Histoire d'un secret (Mariana Otero, 2003)
Raphaëlle Moine, Le biopic à la française: de l’ombre à la lumière
Laurent Jullier, Politiquement incorrect: OSS 117 dans les forums de discussion d’AlloCiné


2. Women's Filmmaking in France 2000-2010 conference 2-4 December

Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies, University of London, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU, UK
Organisers: Kate Ince (University of Birmingham), Carrie Tarr (Kingston University)
Keynote Speakers: Martine Beugnet (University of Edinburgh), Ginette Vincendeau (King’s College London), Emma Wilson (University of Cambridge)
2 December: At French Institute, 17 Queensberry Place, London SW7 2DT
18h Table ronde on ‘Studies in French Cinema: Women’s filmmaking in France’, to include guest filmmaker, followed by wine reception for conference delegates
20h30  Film screening
3 and 4 December: At IGRS
For details of the programme and how to register, see and<>.

Phil Powrie
Professor of Cinema Studies
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences
University of Surrey

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