I'm currently working on some projects that focus on dvr use and I'm trying
to track down recordings of TV programs that have featured TiVo as central
plot device.  Unfortunately, with the exception of Sex and the City, it
seems like most of the shows I'm after have not yet been commercially

I'm specifically searching for the following programs:

South Park, Episode 100, ³Iım a Little Bit Country², original airdate 4/9/03
The Ellen Show, Episode 5, original airdate 10/19/01
King of Queens, Episode 105, ³Mammary Lane², original airdate 10/21/02
Mind of the Married Man, Ep 12, "Cream of the Crop", org airdate 9/22/2002

Two questions:
1)  Anyone have any of these?
2)  If not, does anyone know of any video trading circles or websites that I
might look for these on?

Appreciate any leads.


Max Dawson
Dept. of Radio, Television, and Film
Northwestern University

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