Press Release:  08.17.02
(Greetings From Planet Telluride)

Dear Independent Filmmakers, Screenwriters, and Indie Cinema Aficionados,

As we finalize preparations for the (upcoming) BIG event - Telluride IndieFest 2002
(Aug. 30 - Sept. 2) - we are PLEASED to announce the "FIRST Call for Entries" into
our NEW companion festival - Key West IndieFest (Easter Weekend, Annually)!

Online entry forms (with *discount* entry fees) are *now* available!

Just click on Year 2003 Entry Forms - and you are on your way!

Please Note: "FIRST Call" (for the Key West event) *ends* on August 31, 2002 - so,
enter EARLY and take advantage of the *lowest* entry fees!


Meanwhile - we hope this message finds you well - and, we look forward to your
participation in KEY WEST IndieFest!

Film and Write On,

Michael Carr
Director:  Telluride and Key West IndieFest

Showcasing the *best* independent films and screenplays in the world -
high in the mountains, and by the sea!

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