You can't be looking that hard. The 1946 version with John Garfield & Lana Turner is easily available. The third and "unofficial" version
OBSESSIONE by Visconti is not legally available in the US. Which is too bad because it is the best of the three. I would strongly suggest seeing these other versions before writing a paper

Jessica Rosner

Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hello everybody...I am writing two papers relating to Film Noir.
The first paper is on the adaptation of Cainīs The Postman Always Rings
Twice.  As far as I am aware, two films have been made, but I have only been
able to get hold of the later version with Jack Nicholson and Jessica Lang.
I was not impressed by the film, and thought that the book was better...but
that is hardly an original opinion.
Are there any fundamental concepts that I should bare in mind when writing
my paper?

The second, is a comparative piece: comparing the Noir femme fatale to the
Neo-Noir femme fatale. Any suggestions?

Need help. All input appreciated.

Best Wishes


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