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March 1994


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"Joseph S. Knapp" <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 2 Mar 1994 15:25:54 EST
text/plain (20 lines)
Well, well, well,
       As for CBS exploiting the Olympic athletes as a soap opera kinda thing,
chalk another one up for "The Days of Nancy's Life."  A CBS camera "caught"
(harsh word, giving a criminal attitude to the whole story) Nancy complaining
about another skater holding up the Awards ceremony because she was putting on
makeup.  "A Current Affair" aired this with a vengeance, and even got ahold of
one of Ms. Kerrigan's representitives to explain why their (the media) creation
of goodness and righteousness had violated the image by, oh my God, expressing
her displeasure with something?!?!  Shame on Nancy for saying something that
could ruin her "image."  Egad, has the media run out of things to get excited
about?  This Clipper chip is ultimately more important for CBS to give air time
to, instead of putting Nancy on trial for using her Constitutional right to
complain.  N'est-ce pas?
                                               Joe Knapp
                             "I will not sign my name with a clever quotation."
                                          Central Michigan University
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