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January 1994


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"Gloria Monti (GD 1995)" <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 16 Jan 1994 11:58:54 -0400
text/plain (23 lines)
> Just a vote for keeping the "clutter" public. As with many of the
> seemingly-inane topics posted on SCREEN-L, I had no interest in tunnels
> and film -- until all those lists started showing up, which for some
> (idiosincratic?) reason I find pleasurable -- both as evidence of some
> kind of "community" out there and for the varous images and thoughts they
> inspired, however briefly, before I deleted them.
> --James Schamus
        I couldn't agree with James more.  Same thing happened with me.
Those searches made me think and I was glad to offer some contribution.
Which brings me to the next search.
        I am working on staged race & gender impersonations in American
cinema and I am looking for titles to expand my collection of titles.  Any
suggestions?  Here's what I need: films (or scenes from) that portray an
onstage performance where the character(s) engage in a gender & race
impersonation (both) before a diegetic audience.  Example: *Paris Is Burning.*
        Reply to me personally or to the screen-l network....
        Thank you *very* much,
        Gloria Monti
        Yale University
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