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April 1993


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mark Bunster <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 14 Apr 1993 11:16:35 EDT
<[log in to unmask]>; from "H. Borchers" at Apr 14, 93 12:15 pm
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
* A student has apporached me with the idea of doing an M.A. thesis on
* videos done by Austrian tourists during trips to the US. He is interested
* in the problem of how they perceive America (imagery, national prejudices),
* and in how they document their tours.
* Does anyone on the list know of similar projects and/or scholarly
* publications that might be relevant for this project.
There are two famous photojournalistic efforts done by Danes about America.
Both began as simple travelogues, I believe, with the authors hoboing their
way across the country, but when you hobo you meet poor folks, and they
transformed into essays on poverty and the American underclass. The first was
done very early in this century by Jacob Riis. The second was done in the
mid-late 80's by another Dane named Jacob, but his last name escapes me. I
saw the latter's work in a slide presentation, and he has a book of his
pictures. Both were excellent and pretty moving.
Mark Bunster                      |There is joy in reptition.
Survey Research Lab--VCU          |Joy in repetiton.
Richmond, VA 23220                |Joy in reptition.
[log in to unmask]            |Joy in reptition.
(804) ELK-O-COP                   |Joy in reptition.             -PRN