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March 1992


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Jeremy Butler <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 13 Mar 1992 08:51:04 CST
text/plain (44 lines)
This one apparently almost got lost in the cyberspace.  It wound up
coming to me as an error message...
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
From:	NAME: David Atkins
	FUNC: Reference and Info. Serv.
	TEL: 974-4171                         <ATKINS@A1@UTKLIB>
 <IN%"[log in to unmask]"@UTKVX@MRGATE@UTKLIB>
    Hello Ben.
    This may answer your first question concerning on-line sources for
    library film holdings:
    Two networks here the United States may do the trick.  The OCLC Online
    Union Catalog and the RLIN or Research Libraries Information Network.
    While I've yet to search RLIN, I do know that OCLC can search for films
    by title, restricting the search to a specific media format.  The
    libraries of Princeton should subscribe to one or both of these
    systems.  While these networks are not the run of the mill let me dial
    them up on my PC modem databases, you may be able to solicite help from
    your university librarians.  One draw-back:  If a library is not a
    member of OCLC or RLIN, it's holdings will not be accessable via the
    network.  Therefore, small institutions might not be represented.
    Another idea would be to use a special libraries directory to get phone
    numbers of film libraries' on line catalogs.  Many institutions allow
    free public access to on lines.  While it may be a bit tedious, support
    from Princeton's library automation staff may be available (e.g.
    piecing together customized batch files and automatic menus to phone
    pre-selected institutions such as is available on the internet/bitnet).
    Also you may want to post you query on other lists.  PACS-L (Public
    Access Computer Systems Forum) comes to mind (PACS-L@UHUPVM1--I
    Best of luck
    David Atkins
    University of Tennessee Libraries
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